Together with nonprofit partners and city leaders, we are building safe spaces for students and families to connect to free WiFi for distance learning at more than 1,000 Lift Zones in community centers across the county; including 118 here in the Twin Cities. Lift Zones provide not only free Internet connectivity, but also access to hundreds of hours of educational and digital skills content to help families and site coordinators navigate online learning.

Twin Cities Lift Zones - Sanneh Foundation

Twin Cities Lift Zones - Indian Works

Connecting Families Across the Twin Cities

We have already installed 118 Lift Zones across the Twin Cities Metro Area, in cities like Brooklyn Center, Chaska, Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Twin Cities Lift Zone Locations

Greater Kansas City Area

Independence, Missouri
Boys and Girls Club
Boys and Girls Club Hawthorne

Olathe, Kansas
Boys and Girls Club

Twin Cities Area

Wirth Chalet

Peace Garden

St. Louis Park
Perspectives Family Center

Family Means (2 locations)

Lake Elmo
Family Means Cimarron

Phyllis Wheatley Community Center
Boys and Girls Club TC- Jerry Gamble
Boys and Girls Club TC- Southside Village
Pillsbury United Communities- Brian Coyle Center
The Real Minneapolis
Division of Indian Work
Waite House
Pillsbury House
North Start Network at Allina Center
Little Earth Residents Association
Audubon Park
Bottineau Park
East Phillips Park
Fairview Park
Folwell Park
Harrison Park
Hiawatha School Park
Logan Park
McRaw Park
North Commons Park
Phillips Community Center
Sibley Park
Waite Park
Webber Park
Windom North Park
Armatage Park
Brackett Park
Bryant Square Park

Corcoran Park
Elliot Park
Fuller Park
Keewaydin Park
Like Hiawatha Park
Lynnhurst Park
Matthews Park
MLK Park
MLK Treehouse
Painter Park
Powderhorn Park
Stewart Park
Van Cleve Park
Whittier Park
Pearl Park
Morris Park
African Community Services
NE Ice Arena
Kenny Park
Parade Ice Garden
Creekview Park
Teach Everyone A Method
Lake Nakomis Community Center
Phershing Park
Luxton Park
Loring Park
Kenwood Park
Linden Hills Park
Lyndale Farmsted
Windom South

St. Paul
The Sanneh Foundation (2 locations)
Face 2 Face
Boys and Girls Club TC- Mt. Airy
Boys and Girls Club TC- Al Lenzmeier West Side
Boys and Girls Club TC- East Side
Hallie Q Brown Community Center
Keystone Community Services
Neighborhood House

Vietnamese Social Services
Divine Institute
Hmong Cultural Center
Jimmy Lee Rec Center
Ain Dah Yung Center
Listening House
Freedom House

“For nearly a decade, Internet Essentials has helped to change the lives of millions of people by providing low-income families with Internet access at home.”
                                                          -Dave Watson