Comcast Business Helps Fueled Collective Accelerate Growth for Local Businesses

Twin Cities-based Fueled Collective is a collaborative workspace resource and de-facto small business incubator that offers entrepreneurs a professional workspace with access to resources needed to grow their businesses. Since opening their first facility in St. Paul in 2010, Fueled Collective has since added three locations in the Minneapolis area and acquired another co-working space in Chicago.
Fueled Collective turned to Comcast Business to help address growing demand for bandwidth across its locations and improve communication services. 1-Gigabit per second (Gbps) Comcast Business Ethernet Dedicated Internet (EDI) connections have been installed across all Fueled Collective locations to support the growing community and improve business communication for members.
“High-capacity Internet is just the cost of doing business today, and without it the entrepreneurs in our community – and the Fueled Collective business itself – can’t continue to grow,” said Kyle Coolbroth, Fueled Collective CEO and Co-Founder. “Whenever we give tours to potential new members, we’re able to use our 1 Gbps Comcast Business EDI connection as a major selling point, especially to developers that need that capacity to create websites and applications.”
To learn more about the success of Fueled Collective and its Comcast Business partnership, click here.