Comcast August Recap: Summer Days in the Community

The Comcast Twin Cities Region had a memorable summer, from our Veterans Employee Resource Group (ERG) hosting their first flag replacement ceremony, to employees volunteering to pack school supplies for over 500 Minnesota children, and sponsoring Day of Dignity by donating laptops to families, we are ready to dive into the fall season with even more exciting events. Enjoy this recap of how Comcast stayed connected with our communities throughout the month of August.
Flag Replacement Ceremony
Did you know that Comcast has a Flag Replacement Program? If a Comcast technician notices a worn-out flag at a home or business, the technician shares the location with our flag replacement team, who contacts the individual or business and offers to replace it, for free. The resident or business does not have to be a customer for a replacement. This program is led by employees who participate in our Veterans Network Employee Resource Group known as “VetNet”. Our local VetNet members include Comcast employees who are military veterans, active participants in the Reserves, military family members and other supporters of the military community. Most importantly, the old flags are retired in accordance with military protocols.
Young Professional Network ERG Packs 500 Backpacks with United Way
The Young Professionals Network (YPN) hosted an in-person United Way Action Day at our local office in St. Paul. With the help from 60 Comcast volunteers, teams packed over 500 backpacks filled with school supplies so Minnesota students could head back to school prepared for success. These 500 backpacks were donated to our long-standing community partner, Neighborhood House, who provided them to local students.
Twin Cities Region All ERG 5K Event for CLUES
Our regional ERG Leads came together to host the first, “All ERG 5K Run, Walk, Roll” event to benefit CLUES, Minnesota’s largest Latino-led nonprofit organization whose missions is to advance social and economic equity and wellbeing for Latinos in Minnesota. Employees and their families were invited to bring three non-perishable food item and enjoy the views of the Mississippi River. More than 150 pounds of food was donated as a result of our Comcast employees! Donations were distributed to 180 families in the local community.
Serving the multi-ethnic Islamic community at the annual day of service, Day of Dignity
Twin Cities Day of Dignity is a day of service, community building, bringing people together, loving one another and treating everyone with dignity. This annual event has been a staple in North Minneapolis at Masjid-An-Nur. This connects directly with Comcast’s core values where we have long been committed to creating and fostering an environment where everyone is welcomed and supported. Where doing the right thing is not a choice, but a way of life.
During the Day of Dignity Event, our Internet Essentials ambassadors provided information on our affordable internet program, Internet Essentials, and also donated five laptops for Al-Maa’unn to to provide to their members. As a platinum sponsor, Comcast also provided an ice cream truck filled with free treats for all attendees to enjoy. It was a great day, and our volunteers were proud to share details on Internet Essentials and ACP with the Islamic community.
Comcast Sponsors Salvation Army’s Down for the Challenge to Fight Homelessness
Comcast was a proud sponsor of this years Salvation Army Down for the Challenge where the focus was to fight homelessness here in the Twin Cities. Comcast employees participated in the cause by repelling from the top of the Omni Viking Lake Hotel in Eagan. All money raised for Down for the Challenge supported The Salvation Army’s housing and homeless prevention programs in the Twin Cities. These programs are a lifeline for those experiencing homelessness, helping people and families to secure safe housing and a brighter future.
And that’s a wrap for August 2022! We have an exciting September lined up with events that support our communities for back-to-school, digital equity and Hispanic Heritage Month!